So a few years a go i asked that same question. Actually it was sort of the question that i backed into. Let me explain. One morning at our weekly men's breakfast meeting the topic turned to how can we get the steps (AAs 12 Steps) into the high schools. Since I am the one that usually gets those questions, my response was short and direct - we cant do that do to church and state issues. Not to be undone the leader of our little group said why don't you see what you can come up with and report back here and let us know. Well I was pretty sure that I was going to do a quick search of the web and discovery what i already knew, there are not schools that have the 12 steps as their program. But when I entered the query what i got was amazing! Many many references to Recovery Schools, sober schools, etc. and the link to the Association of Recovery Schools it was at this site that i begin to learn what a Recovery School was about. Belor they outline what all schools have in common. Recovery Schools seek:
AuthorDan Renaud BS, CAP, ICADC Archives
July 2024
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